Check out what YouTube is planning for the Now Playing feature with a gradient background. (YouTube Music)News 

Gradient Background to be Added to YouTube Music Now Playing Feature

YouTube Music has recently undergone various alterations to its user interface and design. Currently, the platform is experimenting with new features that could potentially be introduced to the app in the near future. One of these tests involves a redesign of the Now Playing tab, incorporating a gradient background to enhance the visual appeal, thereby replacing the current solid background. Stay informed about YouTube’s upcoming plans.

YouTube Music Now Playing feature

According to a report by 9To5Google, the YouTube Music app is testing a gradient background for the Now Playing tab, which now works with solid colors. Google has always leaned towards more subtle tones to make sure it matches the overall app art. Therefore, the Now playing tab has no significant changes, but it contains more darker shades than before. This allows the user interface not to be confused with the album image.

With a gradient background, the play/pause, next/back, shuffle and repeat buttons are more visible due to the darker tones of the background. According to reports, the look and feel of Up Next, Lyrics and Related have also been redesigned. They now appear as floating gray text, which means that the layout of the sheet has been replaced. These small changes will not affect your user experience, but you may see them from a different perspective. In addition, you can easily enter the queue by swiping up from the bottom, even if the app has removed the draw tab indicator.

So far, the new Now Playing gradient background hasn’t been rolled out globally, but Android users might see the change in their apps soon. The improvements to YouTube Music have a more rigid design, but some users may take some time to get used to the interface and design changes.

Previously, the app also introduced generative AI that allows users to create art for their custom playlists. This new feature helps users add the image they want using artificial intelligence. The features and differences explain that Google has tried to improve its user experience.

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